DYE LAB is where DYE designers and engineers, with 50+ years of combined experience in the sport of paintball, showcase their favorite products - enhanced with experimental, unique finishing processes and performance features. These ultra-limited quantity production runs are a blend of an artistic approach, function and style. The exclusive DYE LAB offers players access to unique product designs and the opportunity to interact directly with DYE in a streamlined global experience exclusively available through DYEPAINTBALL.COM.

There is no secret to the DYE LAB. Never satisfied, always dreaming, creating and delivering exceptional performance gear as part of its larger journey of exploration.


DYE is committed to continuously cultivating new ideas and developing product designs. Unfortunately some ideas no matter how cool or unique they may be are not put into production and never get seen by the public. Many good ideas fall short of production release because of limited demand or other barriers to market. The DYE LAB Open Source Vault is an attempt to build a bridge between concept and public availability. Some design files found here are simply our engineer’s personal projects they made for themselves. Others are build projects for the serious tuner or hobbyist. Throughout this process, designs are made available in order to get market feedback that may ultimately be the deciding factor that green lights a project for production.

DYE LAB Open Source Vault will be periodically releasing files to the public in an effort to gain a larger testing base and get more in-depth feedback. We believe in the voice of the paintball community and value what our supporters and critics have to say.

DYE LAB is committed to working with the paintball community to develop innovative and unique products. DYE LAB is a new platform that allows us to showcase our ideas and abilities. It is also the perfect platform to connect with our customers and get genuine feedback on what styles are popular and in demand.